Life is filled with difficulties, hard times and time demanding we must say. We all daily strive just to make ends meet and still have a place in the society at large. Humans ll forever compete with one another irrespective of what life holds in store for us.
   Many at times, I map out questionnaires in which I end up answering myself.Questionnaire about what in particular?
If everyone rejects odd jobs, how ll the rich survive?
If everyone refuses to sell our tomatoes and pepper, how ll the rich feed?
If everyone refuses to be an office cleaner, what will become of our business environment?
If everyone refuses to be a teacher, what ll become of our younger ones?
If everyone refuses to be a police, what ll become of our society?
If everyone refuses to be a road side mechanic, how ll we ever get to our destination?
If we all claim to be so much educated to be be a cloth designer, what ll you put on?
If everyone wants the 8-4 job, what ll happen to our factories?
Everyone wants to life a life of leisure and pleasure at the sane time at the expense of others.
Why do you want to see yourself in every picture? Always wishing to be here or there.
Always wanting to have a say in all decisions.
So, if you are seen in every picture, of what use will you say you are?
The type that leave things half done?
The type that just want to know what's happening?
The type that's always  not convenient with a job?
The type that wants everyone salary.

You want to be in everyone's picture. Always wanting to be regarded as this and that. What if everyone wants to be like you? What if everyone took your lifestyle as a yard stick. How ll the world be if everyone was in everyone picture?


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