episode 19:
My aunt do send me to her house to go help her with some house chores or probably to go pick something for her cos her shop is not far to her house. Like I said earlier, Mathew was always at home, its either he’s watching a movie, playing video games or sleeping. Sweetest part is that Matthew is always shirtless and putting on just boxers each time I go their house. The little not is hot, checking him out, starring at his dangling Joystick in his boxers. So one day my aunt sent me to go cook for her, when I got to her place. I met Mathew as usual, he came to open the door, I noticed his Joystick was kinda erected, so he was trying to adjust it. I pretended as if I didn’t see it. I went straight to the kitchen to go make Eba for my aunt, so I was I boiling water. I went to the sitting room to join him, on getting there I saw Matthew watching a Adult movie I screamed…
Me: Jesus!
Mathew began to laugh…..
Mathew: Which one is Jesus? (Laughing) stop pretending as if you’re holy.
Me: Mathew this is not good for you, you’re still young. What if your mum finds out.
Mathew: Please don’t tell my mum ooo. In purposely didn’t stop or pause it cos I know you like such too…..
Me: Stop that rubbish
Mathew: You better sit down and watch. (Laughing)
Me: You’re spoilt, Matthew of yesterday.
So I sat down, I joined him in watching the Adult movie. I missed watching stuffs like that. Son I was interested. I sat on the chair while Matthew was laying on the long couch. We both were watching it, I became horny, Matthew too was obviously horny. I totally forget what I was doing in the kitchen, while watching it, Matthew and I will both stare at each other and quickly take our eyes away. We continued doing that, we would even smile at each other. So the first Adult movie finished, he got up to insert the next Adult movie cos I told him I would love to watch more. As he got up, his Joystick was fully erected, he was kinda shy and he was wearing one small boxers like that, so he reached the DVD player to change it, i just could not get my eyes off his
Joystick, before you know it me and Matthew were already…
Episode 20:
Kissing, smooching. Damn! It was like a film trick, I can’t explain how it happened but it happened. This boy was all over me, squeezing my Bosom, squeezing my Buttocks, pulling off my blouse, he was already Unclad, on top of me, he was about to insert his big Joystick in my Kittycat , then a knock on the door “Charity shey Na stone you dey cook ni?” ( Charity Is it stone you’re cooking?), one of the apprentice, we quickly got up, wore our clothes, he turned off the electronics, wore his boxers, went straight to his room to pock his shirt, he was so adjusting his
Joystick, before he finally went to open the door. I got to the kitchen, the boiling water was almost dried. That day was a like a film trick, I couldn’t believe it, I could have done such with my cousin, I almost had S£x with him ooo, unprotected S£x for that matter.
Ever since then, my aunt refused send me to her place again, cos I delayed her food the last time, she complained I stayed long at her place thinking I was discussing or watching movies with her won Matthew. Not knowing something else almost went down. Although Mathew do visit the shop but I don’t make eye contact with him. So one day again, she sent to go help her cook again, I got to her place, I met Mathew tying a towel his time, like he was expecting me already, he just finished bathing. I greeted him, he was looking at me with flirty eyes, smiling at me. Can you imagine that, 16 years old boy, my small cousin of yesterday. I went straight to the kitchen, while cooking in the kitchen, someone hugged me from behind,not was my cousin, he was Unclad and his
Joystick was erected.
Mathew: Let us do it here..
Me: What is wrong with you? Stop it, I don’t like it.
Sincerely speaking, I was actually irritated that day with his attitude. How can I have S£x with my cousin, he tried kissing me, touching my Bosom, I fling his fingers. He was really begging me, the stupid told me to touch his Joystick, which I didn’t, I told him I can’t do such with him, told him the last time was a mistake. I couldn’t believe I resisted that temptation, probably because he is my cousin. So ever since then, he doesn’t trespass anymore, the respect was there but then I discovered Mathew was having S£x with the new apprentice in the shop, Matthew was really having S£x with her. You know she’s now the junior in our midst, so our madam (my aunt) do send her to go do house chores or send her on an errands. Unfortunately, Mathew was making love with the girl, the truth came out when the girl became pregnant, not was hell for the both of them, the girl confessed, she said everything, how Mathew will tell her to suck her Joystick, how they do different styles, even in the kitchen. They always have S£x each time they send her home, lol. Mathew eventually became a father at the age of 17 years. Anyway that’s about that……
To be Continued..