Their plot is to spread the fake news Of arrest, insinuate to my Kinsmen that I want to kill a fellow Igala man using their imaginary thugs. Who is daft enough to go attack a retired CNS. Use your brains. They need to paint Edward so that my Igala people will say I deserve death when their Assassins already commissioned,paid and Armed pull the trigger. Unfortunately for them I’m way way ahead of their dirty plan.
They are learners. I leave it at that for now. Till we get to that bridge. My Blood cover is much more than all your Assasins bullets. For the records. They are thinking but we are light years ahead of them. My entrance into Politics didn’t require blood of men and as long as I’m in it..I will have no hands on blood of any human.
I know the difference between power and Life. All the powers and Positions on earth. Can’t equate to 1 Human Life. Anyone who is popular should forget those Yeye petitions and come and sell what they have for our people. Just as we are selling ours. Petitions,Set ups, nocturnal Abuja meetings, Wailing on SOcial media and jumping from reggae to Hip hop doesn’t add a single vote. Change your strategy and get serious before KOYA Kalas U na Ajipu Agenda and fly your Party’s flag.