The issue of Electricity in AYEH GBEDE Ijumu LGA of Kogi State is becoming unbecoming. It is Exactly 6months now that the AEDC has denied the Community with Electricity, this is so Devastating, Grody and Inhuman.
However, the Electricity of AYEH GBEDE was stepped down at The Stepped Down Transformer Station in the Area ; Which the Kabba AEDC Staffs denied that they are not the one who stepped down the electricity.
Alongtheline, The AEDC of Kabba Area is now demanding from the community
1. N2000 each on individuals as reconnection fee
2. N3000 each on individuals as acclaimed to be an outstanding dept of even the light they did not use which sum up to be N5000 each on individuals houses!
In totality, the AEDC of Kabba Area is now demanding the total sum of N500, 000 before the electricity of Ayeh Gbede can be restored.We are appealing to the entire public to come to the rescue of AYEH GBEDE Community Financially or Otherwise in other to free the community from this trash, Obscure, Detestable,and Heartbroken Issue
Cc: Comrade Erayetan Otedayo Sikiru Appealing to All our Leaders, well-meaning, and AbleHand in Okun land at large. God bless you All