A thousand monsters
Played a painful game of catch
I'm dying in silence
Quite devastating craving my reference
O' you poisoned my heart with love
Awake, my thoughts with a great passion
And left me with no prove
But a scars of uncontrollable lust
You led me to a paradise
Abandoned, me with a racial prejudice.
Sweet memories, turns to a scorching sun
When you said, we're done.
I never knew, you were a chameleon
I never knew, you changes
I never knew, you were a thief, you stole my pride
The crown Of my womanhood
You've taken, for a rough, sweet ride
All I need, is a fertile soil
In a romantic garden, with playing stings of viol
Where i can replant the seed of "love"
When the rain fall on it
When the sun glow on it
May be, I will see a new face
Who'll water my helpless soul
And nature me, till I grow old.
® Peter spark
© Amazing poet