The importance of physical activity in health has always been discussed. And in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, specialists emphasize that putting the body in motion "may be the best treatment for the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems to prepare to fight the virus"
That a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet can become the best ally of the immune system when it comes to fighting diseases is no longer news. It is now known that, in addition, physical activity plays a key role in this regard.
"For many years I have been arguing that the best definition of high performance sport is the 'limit between the physiological and pathological', wanting to express the tremendous effort that an athlete from any sport discipline performs daily subjected to very intense workloads, sometimes with little recovery time, which makes it more aggressive for the body ”. The doctor Néstor A. Lentini (MN 44271 - MP33627) is a visiting professor at the Technician in Health, Food and Physical Activity at the Isalud University and explained that "in the case of long-term sports, such as triathlon, ironman , marathon, adventure sports or cycling, the situation worsens, because the immune system is altered. "
Thus, they can be seen many times as, after the end of a marathon, "the athlete is exposed to suffering from some pathology of the upper airways such as colds for two to three weeks, among other benign pathologies."
On the other hand, looking towards the population of the age group from the age of 60, who are known to be those who have the greatest possibility of suffering from chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs) that would complicate an apparently more banal condition such as the flu state. that this virus produces. "In this sense, we are observing that deaths are caused by complications of viral disease in people who have decreased immune defenses," said Lentini-. So, just as we observe the decrease in defenses in endurance athletes and in older adults with chronic diseases, we also have a very important tool to accompany all the recommendations of the authorities, which is precisely physical activity and especially walking no less than 45 minutes a day, since thanks to being sedentary we can achieve the best treatment so that our cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems are prepared to fight the virus, achieving an organism with greater immune defense. ”
"Let's remember then that walking every day improves the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure, allows you to lose weight and fight against dyslipidemia, that is, it allows us to strengthen our body against the impact of CNCDs and therefore better defense against the coronavirus, "he added.
And recommended:
- Staying active at the recommendation of staying in our houses due to the pandemic and the spread of the virus, walking either in green spaces or, even for those who live in buildings, taking advantage of the stairs.
- Use the bicycle, either in open places, as well as by using a stationary bicycle at home.
- Eating healthy with the incorporation of fruits and vegetables to be able to incorporate vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.
Finally, the specialist stressed that "it is important to become aware of the current world situation and not leave anything to chance." For this reason, he urged to think that “physical activity is again and here in particular a fundamental tool to fight against CNCDs, therefore, it can be achieved that by reducing these risk factors by leaving sedentary lifestyle, older people have a fundamental element to defend themselves from the aggression of this virus ”.
"Healthy young adults will have a better chance of making the coronavirus less likely to complicate with fatal respiratory disease," he concluded.
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