He keeps my type of beard
He drives my type of car
He has broad arms to envelope me
His sense of humor his 10/10
Adewale, Our WhatsApp group admin
I want him to myself alone
I want his presence
I want all of him
I want his touch
I don't want 6 packs
The 2 mounds on his chest is enough
Yoruba demon in motion
He's got all the good characters
He walks on his fours
Momma taught him well
All of proper home training
He calls all fine girls "sisters"
He's wired to all your relatives
And when you ask him; " where is this relationship heading to"
He says: " we agreed to attention and care"
Suited up in white agbada
Flashes a smile at you
Cupid of words to make you drool
You are contemplating if to resist
Then your heart betrays you
You then become one of the 72 disciples
Adewale; been breaking hearts since 7.
Image; The Melanated Club