Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing

Hello Janet,it's me, uncle dammy
The house is empty and full of boredom
You can now come over with your mathematics textbooks
Let me reveal to you the secret of quadratic equation
And show you the better way to knock your classmates down
The smooth way to success is here in my room
With the inscription of proper preparation that prevent poor performances
The formula for solving BODMAS is there on my ceiling
I have got better fan and boom player
So worry less about heat this time around
The reason why you got 2/15 in you English assignment
Was because of your hasty decision of leaving on time the other day
I hope you stay long this time around
Because mathematics is not something we can Finnish like that
It requires a lot of thinking and reasoning
The short skirt I saw on you this morning is nice
I hope I see it on you again when you come
And the blue armless you do put on at night
It really makes your stature stands right
And believe me,mathematics gonna admire it too
They've brought light
I have a chill happy hour in my fridge
If you don't mind taking it with egg buns too
I hope you see this soon so as to come on time
The house is empty and full of boredom.

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